Friends of Attadale Foreshore

Recent News


Members are planning a busy bee, for weeding and the spreading of mulch, meeting in the Reserve at around 9.00am, foot of Roberts Rd. on Saturday morning,4th December. All invited, bring gloves, hand garden tools, hats,sunglasses ,sunscreen and strong shoes. It is expected that the work will take 1-2hrs.

Weekly Meeting

DEC Weeding is on every Wednesday, 7:30 - 9 am. Please check the calendar for more details.

ABC Reserves

FoAF began the project to restore this area of remnant bushland in 2003, and has been funded by the Swan Alcoa Landcare Program every year since 2004...

Road Reserves

FoAF has created bush corridors for native fauna through the planting of native shrubs on the road verges in the vicinity of the ABC Reserve...

DEC Reserve

This project site forms part of the extremely important A Class Nature Reserve Number 35066 – the Alfred Cove Nature Reserve...